Modern Linux Laptops with Coreboot Firmware From System76
Are you looking for modern Linux laptops with coreboot? The wait is over. Coreboot is a free and open-source software. The coreboot project aimed at replacing the proprietary BIOS firmware and blobs. System76 recently announced two Intel laptops with Coreboot, which as an alternative to proprietary BIOS. These laptops are using Intel 10th Gen CPUs.
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pfetch Linux and Unix hardware information tool
The neofetch command like utility written in a bash shell. The main purpose of neofetch is to be used in screenshots to display other users what operating system or Linux distro you are using including theme, icons, hardware config and more. Now we have another tool called pfetch. It is a pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh. Let us see how to install and use pfetch Linux and Unix hardware information tool.
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